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ProduitsPartitions pour guitareGuitare et un autre instrumentCollection du musicien pigiste, Musique de cérémonie, vol. 2
Compositeur: VARIÉS
Arrangeur: JACQUES David
DZ 1040
ISBN: 978-2-89500-926-9
Guitare et violon
28 p. + partie séparée
Collection du musicien pigiste
Every professional guitarist will lmow that to be employed as a freelance musician you need to have ready the right repertoire for the right occasion.
TIle selection ill this book is primmily for use at ceremonial occasions: weddillgs, funerals etc. They are an'anged as duets, sometimes ill ml undeveloped or shortened form, sometimes no sooner started than finished. Different instruments can be chosen to play the melodies, but the an'anger's favoured illstrument is the violin.
The music is mostly taken from orchestral works, or famous pimlo pieces, but there are two songs, which appear with words. TIlere is a useful pullout booklet of tile melodies, and tlle music is clearly printed and easy to reacl. He writes the chords above the second part, so you can strum if you want to. TIle guitar part is left blanl{ witllOUt any fingerings or positions, and the standard stmis at grade Ill. and becomes progressively harder up to around grade VII. 11le guitm' is used as an accompanying instrument playing flowing arpeggios and blocked chords. In performance amplillcation would help to keep tlle balance between tile instruments.
The cover has an abstract design in deep reds, purpies and blues witil the lettering standing out in white against this colourful background. TIlis is a book you can have fun witll, and there is a strong appeal about taking some of the world's greatest melodies written for other instruments and enjoying them on the guitar. It is also a useful book lor formal occasions, as sometimes the general public is not always appreciative of Oliginal guitar repertoire, and only wmlts to hem' what is already li:llniliar, played on the guitar as their illstrument of choice.
This publication is about taking some of the world's greatest melodies and distilling them into a miniature version for the guitar and another instrument. In a way this becomes a sort of homage to some of the world's greatest composers, who could supply a fully orchestrated piece of music on request. That tllere remains such an appealing piece of music after the orchestration has been stripped away is a huge uibute to the genius of these composers.
Sandra Hambletan Smith (Classical Guitar)
Ce volume permettra aux guitaristes de proposer à leur clientèle une variété de pièces en duo (ou en petite formation) connues du grand public. Il sera facile de lire à première vue l'arrangement pour guitare ou simplement les accords chiffrés au dessus de la portée. Cette seconde option permettra à n'importe quel instrument harmonique (le piano ou la harpe par exemple) d'assurer l'accompagnement. Les formes sont simples, concises et les arrangements sont axés sur le thème musical principal (les développements sont parfois exclus des arrangements).
La série d'arrangements pour guitare et violon (ou autre instrument mélodique) que je propose dans ce volume est spécialement conçue pour tous ces musiciens professionnels soucieux de répondre de manière efficace et rapide aux demandes grandissantes des gens pour des prestations musicales dans un contexte cérémoniel.
David Jacques