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ProductsSheet Music for other InstrumentsAltoFour duos for when the world momentarily stops turning

Four duos for when the world momentarily stops turning

Four duos for when the world momentarily stops turning

Composer: BRAID David

DO 1566


ISBN: 978-2-89796-346-0


40 p. + separated part


Viola and piano

1. Simple Song, Op. 168

2. Outside of all Possible Time, op. 169

3. Always at the back of your mind, op. 172

4. Stop the World; I want to get off, op. 176

As the title suggests - these four works are contemplative in nature, but are not all slow and meditative.

When the world does ‘momentarily stop turning’ - metaphorically of course, as literally would give us more to worry about than our choice of music - one has time to think, and when one has that, one can take on a range of ideas and experiences in more depth than is usual.

These four titles are suggestions to the listener (& performer) that reflect the temporary state of my mind/being when I was composing them; i.e. ‘experience encoded’.

However, this is absolute, and not programme, music - the meaning IS the audio experience - there is no external programme to follow.

Despite what academics claim, music is not to be ‘understood’ - but rather it is to be appreciated.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy your ‘appreciation’ in the fullest sense!


David Braid,

London, December 2024.

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