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ProduitsPartitions pour guitareMusique de chambre avec guitareShort Stories (2 livres)

Short Stories (2 livres)

Short Stories (2 livres)

Compositeur: ZOHN Andrew

DZ 806


ISBN: 2-89500-692-X

Guitare, flûte et clarinette

44 p. + parties séparées


Throughout the length of this album there is an abundant supply of rhythmic trickeries, humour, dissonance and much interplay between the three instruments. Any trio considering the inclusion of Short Stories in their concert programme will need to play with this work with absolute conviction to put across, with sincerity, some of the tongue-in-cheek approaches which occur in several places but there is no doubt that this music will appeal to those with a taste for the unusual but without pushing the musical barriers out too far.
This is a worthy new edition from a composer who has something new and interesting to say. As well as the full score, the publishers have produced a separate edition of all the separate parts for each instrument, fully bound with a glossy cover. Top marks there then.
Steve Marsh (Classical Guitar Magazine)

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