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ProduitsPartitions pour guitare3 guitaresAlice au pays des merveilles

Alice au pays des merveilles
  • I

  • II

  • III

  • IV

  • V

Alice au pays des merveilles

Compositeur: GAGNON Claude

DZ 80


ISBN: 2-921248-67-0

3 guitares

32 p. + parties séparées


This fine and evocative work makes excellent use of a wide range of guitar capabilities and makes particularly good use of the expanded possibilities of writing for three guitars. Although it is audibly music of our time, it manages to be instantly appealing, without condescending or pandering to supposed audience limitations. Calling it a «ballet« is perhaps more descriptive of the music's form and feeling than its intent, but the right choreographer could do nice things with it. (...)
(Richard Todd, Ottawa Citizen, 22 janvier 2001)

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